Max aka DJ Vibroclown lived with his wife and children in the North of Thailand but for the last 4 years has visited Koh Phangan once a year. They decided to move permanently in October 2014.
Phanganist asked him to come for a chat about what he plans to bring to our beautiful island

Good Afternoon! Thanks for coming to see us at Phanganist, Firstly, why the name Vibroclown?
The Vibro part is because of the nature of the bass music and what people get from it. Plus I suppose some part of me is a bit of a clown...

Where on Koh Phangan have you played and how was it?
Mostly in One Love Bar, several times in Amsterdam Bar and Relax Point Bar. These places have a bit of a different format of music - from Drum-n-Bass and Breaks to Chill out and Deep House, I play mostly EDM Trap and Tropical Bass music. The parties have gone well but it is just the start for me, this is a good start! I want to say a special thanks to Ivan (DJ Chupis) who throw Bass Monkeys parties at One Love for good opportunity to play at parties!

What do you think about Koh Phangan’s music and party scene?
I like the community here but for me there are not enough different musical genres or variety so this is what I am here to bring.

What do you feel you brought to the Phangan scene?
I bring interesting, exotic genres for the island’s music. Like Trap and Tropical Bass. Trap is very popular nowadays everywhere in the world but has not been played so much on Koh Phangan. As with Tropical Bass - it’s evolving and promising but still not so many people know what Moombahton, Moombahcore, Zouk Bass, Baile Funk, Rasterinha, Jungle Terror, etc is about.

How do you spend your free time on the island?
With my family of course, which also makes me happy. Despite the popular image of Koh Phangan as a party place in reality, it is a very green and quiet island. At the same time, it is full of interesting people and creative energy. Therefore, it is a good place to live with a family.

What projects are you currently involved with / what are your next projects?
12 Runaway Monkeys is the main project that I am involved with which is a collective of myself and Barbara Betko plus several other creative people who help us. We are starting to put on parties on the island and spread bass
Music and a little bit more variety.

How did you get to where you are today?
Wow, Halleluiah! From the power of the Universe! I just feel I belong here and am very happy to be where I am now.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years and what is your life philosophy?
Lol we Russians don’t plan our future so much :) For example in 2014 our currency became 2 times cheaper so - how can we plan next year even? As about philosophy - I believe that everybody is connected, so I feel I want to become more open and connect to other people through Peace,
Love, Unity and Respect.
And of course, Party :)
Thank you very much, been great talking and meeting you!