It may be low season but you wouldn't think it at the parties!
They're still packed with visiting tourists and locals, raving away all night around the Full Moon.
Although this isn't relevant to all fashion conscious party goers, we noticed a slight trend this month in style...
A bit of an old school raver vibe, acid faces, neon (as usual) and trippy patterns, is it getting a resurrection?
Acid Raver Faces!
The people at the full moon won't remember the yellow acid face which was renowned in the rave scene of the 90's, but some of us do!
Obviously this is a timeless symbol of music, love and parties.
This guy at FUBAR has chosen the 'enolved' acid face and shown his dedication to the djs with his headphone adorned smiley!
Classy Ladies
A little break from the introduction of the rave style whilst we give a little applause to these two lovely ladies who are keeping it classy and glamorous during the daytime before the party at Buri Beach Resort.
Nice use of layers to keep their decorum in this Thai island and to show some respect.
Magic Mushrooms
Another 'back to the old school school' raver style we spotted was this chick at Loi Lay and her psychadelic mushrooms which also pay homage to the 60's hippy movement!
Peace and love is still alive today in Koh Phangan!
Neon Warm Up
We went along to Nomad House Hostel for their Jungle Experience warm up where these three have a combination of the hippy style and the raver style.
Tie Dye shirts and neon paint are your typical full moon island fashion here.
Seeing as we have touched on another retro style we could not miss out this great gal and her teenage mutant ninja turtles t-shirt!
We love the fact that it's the old style not the newly remade ones!
And last but not least is this wonderful gent, dressed up as some kind of full moon queen trying to give the lady boys a run for their money...
Keep your individual styles coming ravers!!!