Aura Ra will perform at Infinity Beach Club for 'Spring Equinox' on March 21st, it is a meditative performance with visual show. We catch up with them to find out more...
Hi Grigory, so have you been to Koh Phangan before?
We have lived in Thailand for 4 years and visited Koh Phangan many times and every time this unique island charges us with energy and gives us many new impressions.
This inspires us for creation. Not surprisingly, here you can meet a variety of creative people from around the world. This unique island with a reserved nature is a place of power for us.
Did you begin as a musician when you were young?Music always has been in life. A classical school in childhood and a passion for rock music in student years, then a long period of professional musical activity in various directions and groups. Contracts with labels, recordings of albums, performances on radio and TV, tours, music production for films and the producing of young artists.
When we tired of the show business and big cities we rushed to the nature. Living in harmony with nature we began to become interested in yoga.

Where did you learn of these skills and combining them for meditative performance?
We embarked on the path of spiritual development and it brought us to Asia. Here we met with the ancient Vedic knowledge and practice of Buddhist meditation. Meditation is the best way to self-discovery and we have been practicing it for several years.
We have visited retreats and masters of spiritual practices. We have learned to feel subtly, knowing the nature of ourselves and the world. Music was still with us and we began experiments with the performance of mantras and original arrangements were born.
Mantras are an ancient sacral form of speech. Words that have a tremendous transforming power. They harmonize space, body, emotions and mind.
Gong is the conductor of the infinite sound of the universe. Once upon hitting gong meditation we were struck by the effect, as if we were born again. So the idea of creating healing music appeared, and gong vibrations were added to the electric guitar and ambient sounds in the arrangements of mantras.

How did the visual element become part of it?
Thanks to a chance meeting with an old familiar media artist, our musical meditative performance is now accompanied by a 3D projection show.
During the year this amazingly beautiful 3D graphic animation was handmade created by our media artist. It is projected onto a large sphere on the stage and symbolizes the Planet's Chakra.
Tell us what you will do for infinity... What will this bring to the event and people?
The program will sound three mantras in Sanskrit and one metta in Pali.
Gayatri Mantra for wisdom and inspiration of the universe.
Ganesh Mantra for success and to remove all obstacles.
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra for healing rejuvenation and purification.
Sabbe Satta is Metta of lovingkindness and compassion for happiness and wellbeing.
Music, mantras, gong vibrations and visuals - all this together immerses the audience into a meditative state, the focus of attention is shifted to the inner space, where a person opens up an invaluable treasure - his true deep state of peace, tranquility and serenity, in harmony with himself and the environment. We called this the Meditative Performance Aura Ra. We will perform it on 21st of March in Infinity Beach Club.

What are your plans for the rest of the year?
Now we are working on a large project of 360 video-installations for FullDome and recording of mantras in our home music studio. And soon it will be possible to see the grandiose show Aura Ra under the dome.
We also plan to actively tour the world. Aura Ra was invited to perform at the yoga music festival in the United States in September of this year.
And leave us with your life philosophy…
We do not run from this world, but we are not slaves of matter. We study ourselves, going deeper and deeper into ourselves, where the innermost door to the perfect world of Love and Beauty situated in the very center of our being.
Our creation is an invitation for everyone who comes to our shows, to find this treasured door within ourselves and open the true values within themselves.
So, our creation and our life philosophy is the one.