We speak to one of our guests at Phanganist Hostel, Di who is from Italy. She took part in the Dreams Secrets Lingerie Fashion Show here on February 12th so we find out how her experience went…
Hi Dee, so what’s your Koh Phangan story?
It’s my second time here, a friend of mine invited me for the Full Moon party so I came. I didn’t fall in love with the party but I really liked the island especially the beaches like bottle beach and many others like coral bay.
I came again because I wanted to know the island much better as the first time was just for 4 days so I wanted to explore and stay longer.

You mentioned to us that you had done some modelling before….
Yes I started when I was 12 years old, basically just for fun, honestly nothing serious. Then I studied also how to walk the catwalk in Milan.
How was modelling lingerie at the fashion show?
It doesn’t bother me modelling, I thought it was a funny experience as no one is judging you so it was a free and hippy thing and I like helping people and they needed someone to model so why not?! It doesn’t bother me if I don’t like everything on my body but I think it’s part of accepting myself so it’s fun.

Do you think something like this can bring more confidence and self love to people even if they are not perfect?
It’s something you have to have before doing it but really also to not give a fuck about what people think.
Explain what you wore and did you feel anything in it?
It was like a net, I felt like all the men would get a hard on but it was also super funny and I just played through my body and tried to be considered sexy but honestly I wouldn’t wear it in normal life maybe just Halloween. For me sexuality is something different….

What would you say to help girls who lack confidence?
That first of all if you have this kind of problem, if you don’t like parts of yourself then it’s not to be jealous of other girls. Work on it and accept your natural body limit, don’t follow standards in your mind as this is not reality and you probably can’t achieve it in reality.
You can improve yourself but you cannot change yourself, you can improve by respecting your shape.
At the end the body doesn’t matter, at the end you get older so the most important thing is the soul so it’s more about the mental connection.
They should be confident, if someone likes them it will be for what they are, be transparent and be themselves.
What was the best bit of the fashion show?
It was super funny that a guy did it, this was the funnest part.

Would you do it again?
Yeah definitely!
What are your plans for the rest of the year?
Ha-ha, I dunno, I am so bad at plans so let’s see what happens in life and what life brings but for sure I will stay in Asia, probably China but I don’t wanna go back to Europe at all.

And leave us with your life philosophy…
I live in a spontaneous way, I hate formality as for me it is too fake and makes me laugh when people are so fucking formal it’s like a movie. I get confused between reality and fiction so I couldn’t live in this way, not a normal life.
So I try to find an environment to be myself in. I fear to be judged as a weird person but I only try to find an environment and to be myself and that’s it.