On a scorching hot Saturday Leo Beer took Phanganist on another outing, this time it was to go and see the lovely Ann and fellow island girls for Clothes and Cocktails at Charm Beach Resort.

Everyone was in high spirits, bringing their clothes that didn’t want or need anymore and getting excited about choosing something new.
Ann, as always was busy making everyone feel welcome and organising everything, she puts on a bbq and cocktails are just one hundred Baht. We managed to sit down before lots more people arrived…

Hey Ann, so where did this idea for clothes and cocktails come from?
It started as a group of friends getting together, we didn’t really like the shopping on Phangan as it’s difficult to find certain stuff, different sizes and taste etc so we decided to get together so we could clean out our closets.
It started with about five of us swapping clothes and drinking cocktails, lots of cocktails!
I must give credit to Kaila, it was her idea really…

Ann calls Kaila over to join us.
Kaila -
‘The first day there was not as many people, we really thought it was going to rain, there was massive storm clouds in the sky but we ended up having loads of cocktails and fun.
I wanted to start this for two reasons, the first is that it can be difficult to connect with girls on the island, the boys have lots of things like FC Farang and other sports.
I’ve met a lot of the island’s girls this way and have become closer to the ones I already knew.
Secondly, the shopping here is not great, I almost never buy clothes anymore instead I get them from here!
It’s great when you feel you’ve emptied your closet but then return home to a new full one. Ann has really made it what it is now, it wouldn’t be the same without her putting out the mirrors, having a bbq and the cocktail bar, it has become more of an event and now people stay longer’.

You give the leftover clothes to Charlie’s Children’s Charity…
Yes, on the first day there was a lot of clothes left over and Charlie and the gang were going on their trip anyway, we thought there are a lot of people who need these clothes and we don’t so let’s give them away.
We try to do this event every second month and Charlie’s Children’s Charity are happy and grateful, they appreciate anything that is donated.

Charm Beach Resort is looking beautiful, how’s it been doing lately?
I renovated the restaurant before Christmas and have done up two bungalows, we’re working on them step by step.
We have a new chef who is working on the food as we still want to have it more local, healthy and possibly try to bring in organic, but still tasty of course!

Thank you Ann.
Charm Beach Resort really speaks for itself and Ann has done a fabulous job of making it feel like a home away from home. With many activities such as boot camp and yoga on the beach with a relaxing pool and comfy restaurant, Charm Beach is popular for tourists and also locals wanting to hang out.

Clothes and Cocktails is a great event, all of the girls bonded whilst trying on clothes, picking them out for each other and catching up over a few cold drinks.
But don’t forget that men and boys are invited also and any donations get put to good use!