2019 has been amazing so far for Phangan Animal Care for Strays, they’ve had some really great volunteers and due to that they have been able to sterilise 62 animals in May alone!
If you are on the island of Koh Phangan, PACS would like to welcome you for a tour. Visitors will gain an insight into the life and resilience of Thai street dogs and cats and what’s it's like to operate a 100% donation based charity.

By doing this you can see some amazing good work that is happening on the island. You are likely to notice a lot of stray dogs during your visit here and it is a great way to find out the work being done to help them.
The tour consists of a visit round the centre, learning the history of PACs and also the history of each animal onsite. Visitors can get involved by dog walking, tic picking or feeding if they arrive for the last tour at 2.30. They can also buy a PACs T-shirt, pendant or postcard.

You can contact PACs via FB messenger at Phangan Animal Care for Strays or just turn up between 10am - 3pm Monday to Friday. The last tour starts at 2.30pm.
What are the main issues for stray animals on Phangan at the moment?
The main issues for stray animals are being fed and looked after by tourists who are here temporarily. Once the tourists leave, the animals become stressed and experience loss and pining as they’ve become reliant on the food and care. They then have to find a new source of food and re-establish themselves in the territory which often leads to fights and injuries.

And what are the focus issues / main things PACS needs?
PACs get no government funding so cannot function without donations of all sorts, such as animal food, medication and money to be able to pay for the monthly running-costs and vets bills.
Any news on getting a permanent vet?
Only Thai vets are allowed to work in Thailand and unfortunately no one has come forward to fill the vacancy even though the position has been advertised for over two years.

PACs’ mission is to sterilise, vaccinate and help all stray and temple animals and educate the public. Since its inception in 2001, the number of stray animals has reduced dramatically.
PACs has also recently achieved foundation status which means the Thai government have recognised PACs as a charitable organisation.
Do something worthwhile during your visit to Koh Phangan and support this amazing and hard-working cause!