Tourist Guide Pen - Welcoming People to Koh Phangan!


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Phanganist speaks to Pen who has worked as a tourist guide for many years on Koh Phangan.

You can find her every day at Thong Sala Pier so make sure to say hello next time you are there!

Sawa Dee Ka Pen, what was it like growing up on Koh Phangan?
I was born and grew up near the beach in Chaloklum, we had no generator only a lightbulb and after a few years after six in the morning we then had a generator for a few hours.

I was working in Fanta bungalows, the tourist would come and pay just 30 to 60 Baht for a bungalow. I didn’t know how to speak english yet  but I would clean the beach, rooms and bungalows and get eight or nine hundred Baht salary and would practice speaking english in the restaurant and kitchen.

After primary school I did not go to secondary or high school, I just went to open school every Saturday and Sunday and in the week I was working. I love to take care, I was working and leant to speak english that why I become a tourist guide.

How did you start to work as a tourist guide?
When I was working at the bungalows one of the tourist guides had an accident and could not get to the pier and couldn’t do their job. I asked to be given a chance so they let me go to the pier and get customers to come and stay, this is how it started and I did quite well on the first day, I got fifteen people to stay and my english was still not so good.

Back then the tourists did not complain about air conditioning or power, they liked it natural and people were friendly and welcoming. It was more family style, people felt welcomed and they would stay longer, when they left they would send other people and friends to stay and we would cry when people left. They would cry also but they kept in touch, even with no email or phone they would write postcards or letters..

How did you learn to speak such more good english?
I love Madonna so much, songs like ‘like virgin’, I knew how to sing them but didn’t know the meaning.

When I was seventeen I got to apply for my license as a tourist guide but had to wait three years, then I got my first tourist license and could practice english with tourists and Madonna and Bob Marley songs.

My German friend bought me a walkman and a dictionary with a tape cassette of Madonna so I could then listen and translate and look at the meaning of the songs.

Now I understand english, I know the words, before I just knew how to sing but after learning more I am now writing and I know the meanings of the songs.

I was so happy, my friends were my first teachers, I did not go to school and was jealous of my friends who did but right now I am thankful of the time of the time I didn’t go to school as I have experience of working with tourists.

Now I go to open university, I study politics between different countries so when people come to Thailand I can help.

What do you help tourists with?
I am volunteer from the tourist police so when they have problems they can call me any time, it doesn’t matter what time, I come between the police as a translator and helper.

I am at the pier every day, I help if they want to go to certain places, need a tour or want to go to the police station or hospital. I stand at the pier with my other friend, right by the boats when they arrive.

What are common problems you deal with?
Most common is when arrive they don’t know where have to go if they have booked a hotel, they need a pick up and sometimes the taxi’s price is too expensive. When I tell the truth to the tourists the taxis are not happy so mostly I fight with taxi drivers at the pier, ha-ha!

They don’t want me to tell the truth, every time I am fighting with them and try to explain my job, I have to do real and truth for the tourists

I help and say we can walk further and I can call the hotel to pick them up or arrange how much they pay, we try to let tourists know the right information and encourage tours rather than driving a scooter for safety reasons.

How do you help them to stay safe?
I explain to them to go to the police station and if they need help or anything more then I give my phone number or facebook or email and tell them to call me when they need help or any information.

It is no worries for Koh Phangan people as we welcome them and will help them to be safe and enjoy their holiday on Phangan. Even at the police station they may know less english than me but will try their best also.

I also give information about good hospitals, ones who can understand them and can take care of them well with good service.

What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I am a writer, this is my hobby and I have to study also. I like to write about life, human life, about the soul, life with positive thinking.

I have four children and am a single mum for many years so I like making time with my children and to go to the temple for meditation and praying.

My daughter does athletics so I hope she becomes part of an international team but for now she is in Bangkok sports school.

And what is your life philosophy?
Buddhism, I believe what you do is what you get, karma. Even if it comes slow I believe it will come so I am positive in the way I looking to the world or other people. If bad things happen or I have no money or an accident then I think better and I forgive, I always forgive.

I believe in love, of course we are human so we get upset and sad but in ten or fifteen minutes to one hour I think ‘ok let’s get action, go out and be happy and smiling’ and tell the universe, say; ‘hey I am happy now’, I believe something will be better and listen to me and I believe life is gonna be better. This makes me have power to live or work or fight with anything that happens around me.