Andrea Sritat was born on the 6th of May 1957 in Lauffen a/N, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany.
Her and her Thai husband love stones and making stone necklaces for Birth signs according to the old European tradition and the Indian medicine wheel.
"Many sicknesses can be treated softly with healing stones, besides the school medicine" Andrea says.
“Ask me how I can help you with stones. I will be glad to inform you and help you to get healthy in a soft way. I love to talk about my stones and I can give much information about them.”
Her life changed after a terrible car accident in 1988 which left her daughter heavily handicapped and her being in the hospital for Psychosomatic. It was then she found this little stone shop near the hospital and started to get interested in healing with stones. The old woman from the shop told her she should work with stones seeing that she had this connection and feeling for them.
From that moment on she learned everything she could about stones and their natural healing possibilities to see how they could help reduce the pain and handicaps of her daughter as well as her problems caused by the accident. Her daughter now lives without any medication and has less pain by only wearing her mother’s custom stone necklace. The last 14 years she hasn't even had any issues with her Epilepsy. She has been making necklaces for birth signs, protection and sickness in body and mind from then on.

She came to this beautiful island 25 years ago and left her heart here.
In 1999 she left Germany to live in Thailand and got married.
In December 1999 she moved here for good, had very bad luck with her so-called best Thai friend, and had to leave the island because he took over her house that she made on his land.
In the meanwhile, she was living in Bangkok and Samui but she missed her true home...
"Koh Phangan was and is "MY" island and so I just had to forget about my house here in Woktum. It took 10 years before I could come back here and I opened a little shop with silver jewelry, stones, and a few clothes."

Her and her husband own a little, shop called Pet Tawan. It is located in Thong Sala, on the main road near to the Tesco Lotus. It was named after my granddaughter that my daughter had here back in September 2000. Her husband is an artist and is making silver jewelry the very old fashioned and traditional way with the airbag and gasoline. Every little part is hand-made and he likes to make every piece unique.

Andrea's brief on the history of using stones as a natural healing method:
"In all cultures the knowledge about healing energy of stone was a part of the natural medicine, similar to healing with oils and herbs. Sickness comes mostly then, when the functions of body and soul are out of balance. Not only the belief in the healing stones, also the high amount of minerals and the positive energy harmonizes our organism. Stones are a big part of the earth and without their minerals a biological life would be impossible on our planet. They grow, exist and dissolve just like humans, animals and plants.
Gemstones and crystals are very rare to find on our planet. Since the time of humans, they have been admired and loved for their healing, protecting and fortune bringing energies. Long ago they stood for the power of the gods on earth. So they give humans, animals and plants strength, they heal sickness and protect from bad influences of negative energy.
Already in the stone age crystals were being used to heal. In China stones were used to heal already 4,000 years ago and also Egyptians, Greek and Romans knew about the healing power of the stones. Even in the bible they talk about god as a gemstone, being made from Jasper, Carnelian and Emerald. In Israel a gemstone oracle was made out of 12 stones to follow the will of God in a clearer manner. These 12 ground stones were connected with 12 birth signs – so they became the month stones and fortune stones of the old European tradition. At the same time, other nations created other oracles, for example, in the Chinese and Indian horoscopes.
Hildegard Von Bingen and Kourad Von Magdeburg taught themselves about the healing effects of gemstones already in the early idle age and wrote it down. The knowledge was given from generation to generation and only with the industrial revolution people started forgetting about it.
Stone healing is a method of natural medicine – just like acupuncture, herbs, aroma therapy, Reiki, and other alternative healing methods.
With all the poison and pollution nowadays, scientists and doctors are more and more going back to the natural medicines. Gemstones play a big role because they can balance our body and neutralize imbalance In our organism. That’s why they have the strongest protection power and the ability to heal without any side effects."

Andrea believes in mother nature like the native Indians.
She love to take care of and feels for all people, animals, and plants not being cared for.
Her life philosophy is: