Welcome to China!
First off the Co Art Park is freaking amazing. The site is huge, maybe a city block in total. Co Art sports 3 stages, 5 restaurants, café’s and bars and something like 25 or 30 mid to large size buildings, I’m still not really sure how many, each time I think I have the layout they take us to see a new place.

There is even a training center that looks like a sculpture. The whole place is covered in murals and art work, there is art everywhere even in the hotel rooms, they put our team up in theme rooms sky and I have one that looks like super Mario bros, David and Vii have a music theme and Tomoko has a Hollywood room.

Our meals are prepared by a French chef and he has been helping to keep us fed and with Chinese translation. Our project Lead Song and our handler Taylor both speak excellent English. Lilijang is a major tourist destination for Chinese and is also famous around Asia, but visits by westerners to the area are rare. English is not commonly spoken by the locals, so its good we have translators. Lijiang is a mountain city, in other words it is cold here. something like 10 C (50 F) in the day and about 10 C ( 40 F) at night, it’s a big change from the island. I’m glad we still have our coats from Nepal. Because of the heavy training schedule our days is start and end much earlier then on the island. It's crazy to think that I’m ready for bed by 10 pm.

Show days are pretty busy, for our first day with Co Art we had two day time shows, a workshop and 2 fire shows in the evening! For the day we brought out some new material sky had her big shiny ball and I was doing a multi ball contact juggling set. We are working on new material for this weekend and should have something to show you when we get back to the Island.
Check out the poster for our first weekend!

Wow I think I’m gonna send a copy of the poster to my folks,
Sky and I are looking forward to an old age with a whole wall of super cool show posters like this!
Other then an intense training schedule non show days are pretty chill, we have been going to a yoga class in an amazing old school Chinese mansion. After our first class we stayed after for a tea ceremony. Tea is much more involved here then back home. The water is boiled separately, cooled to avoid burning the herbs then poured over the herbs before being transferred to another container to be served. It turned out the gentleman giving the tea ceremony was Jing Ja Jing Song, a super famous Chinese artist who just came back from a tour in Cambodia. You can check out some of his work by searching Wolf Earth.
When we are not training or working on the event we sometimes get a chance to step out and do touristy things. Old town in Lilijang looks like something out of a kung fu movie The whole place lights up at night and dinner with the Co Art crew.

In addition to the jugglers David and Vii we are also touring with 2 Thai musicians. Hon and On… yes really, though it dose help with remembering their names. Hon and On play hung drum and didge, Sky and I have had a good time jamming with them in our spare time. You can check Listen to Hon and On’s sound on FB at www.facebook.com/hononhandpan or give their sound cloud a listen soundcloud.com/hononhandpan

Co Art already moved us to another site in Liu Zhou. The other site is much larger and it’s warmer here. It turns out China is big, really really big. It’s a two hour flight and a two hour car ride to our next destination.
I'll tell you how it all went in our next check in.